luni, 24 februarie 2014

Despre libertăţile Constituţie sau despre constituţia Libertatii

Curtea Constituţională a declarat ca neconstituţională propunerea de modificare ce prevede că “cetăţenii români se nasc şi trăiesc liberi” (mi-au căzut ochii pe un articol). Sigur că e neconstituţional, pentru că actuala Constituţie a României, şi nici tradiţia noastră constituţională, nu consideră că însuşi motivul pentru care statul are o Constituţie este voinţa cetăţenilor săi.

În general, de când a apărut pe lume “România este stat naţional, suveran şi independent, unitar şi indivizibil”. O vreme a fost şi “un stat al oamenilor muncii de la orase si sate”, dar niciodată (NICIODATĂ) nu şi-a pus problema, nici statul şi, se pare, nici cetăţenii săi, că ar putea fi invers, că poporul ar decide formarea unui stat, ca exprimare liberă a voinţei lor.

Singurele excepţii de la această regulă par să o fi creat nişte declaraţii, ale unor provincii, cum ar fi cea de la Cernăuţi, Chişinău sau Alba Iulia dar, odată cu absorbirea acestor provincii în Statul Român, evident, acele documente nu au mai avut valoare (au devenit caduce, ar spune unii). De altfel, dintre toate cele 3 declarații amintite, numai cea de la Alba Iulia numește efectiv revendicarea sa de la popor, dar și aceasta, ca și celelalte două, este mai mult idealistă decât pragmatică.

Dincolo de toate astea, însă, Constituția ca atare nu are prea mare relevanță pentru români, sau nu are relevanță pentru cei mai mulți dintre români. Astfel, dacă românul știe că are o țară ”unitară și indivizibilă”, ca garanție supremă față de eventualele atacuri ale dușmanilor, nu mai trebuie să își bată capul despre originile lui, despre rolul lui în lumea asta.

Motive suficiente, în perioada comunistă, dar și apoi, pentru ca să uităm că suntem, în primul rând oameni, că suntem în primul rând membri ai comunităților în care trăim, fie că ele sunt sate sau orașe (am păstrat această distincție naturală administrativă doar în noțiunile urban și rural însă ne îndărătnicim să păstram în felul de organizare a teritoriului și idea artificială de comună, ca și pe cea, la fel de artificială, de județ). Doar după ce ne recunoaștem aceste apartenențe putem gândi că suntem parte a unor țări.

Da, spun că în România există mai multe țări, cum sunt Moldova, Dobrogea, Muntenia, Oltenia, Banatul, Transilvania, Crișana și Maramureșul, diferite între ele, deși asemănătoare.
Frica aceasta, care nu era specifică românilor, de lipsă a identității naționale a condus spre acest soi de negare a diferențelor dintre noi, a diferitelor culturi ale noastre, mai ales în Constituțiile noastre.

Am ajuns, astfel, în situația ciudată de a ne fi frică să recunoaștem distincții între noi, pentru a nu da ”arme” inamicilor noștri. Cam asta era esența politicii de uniformizare din perioada comunistă și, din nefericire, perpetuăm aceste frici ce servesc și acum interesele celor ce conduc pe români.

Dacă în perioada comunistă idealul sistemului era de a ne face pe toți egali, din toate punctele de vedere, după 1989 continuarea acestei stări este foarte utilă unui grup de persoane ce vor să conducă o masă amorfă, lipsită de individualitate și voință, uniformă și, pe cât posibil, puțin educată (mă refer la o educație profundă, referitoare la valori, etică și morală și nu la o adunătură de informații, memorate și recitate uneori).

Mă întreb câtă importanță poate avea, în condițiile în care puterea, statul, prin oamenii ce îl conduc (pentru că asta este, de fapt, puterea în România) fac ce vor cu Constituția (au libertatea asta pentru că poporul nu îi controlează), mă întreb așadar, cât valorează o constituție în România ? Câtă încredere au oamenii (în fapt) în puterea legii ?

Dacă, de fapt, nu contează asta ci, totul nu e decât o luptă pentru a asigura (măcar vremelnic) puterea pentru câte un individ sau grup de indivizi, de ce ne mai iluzionăm ?
Înțeleg de ce ar vrea, cei care au puterea, să ne iluzionăm că România e un stat în care domnește legea (pentru că ajung ei înșiși să creadă că ne reprezintă pe noi, atunci când mănâncă și beau pe banii noștri), dar nu înțeleg de ce am mai crede noi că e așa.

Libertatea nu vine, nu-i așa, decât după ce am murit ?

Surse documentare:


Cu mila lui Dumnedeu si vointa Nationala, Domnu Principatelor-Unite Romane;
La toti de fata si viitori sanetate:
Asupra propunerei Consiliului Nostru de Ministri;
Considerand plebiscitul propusu de Noi la 2/14 Maiu incetat, si votat de Natiunea Romana in dilele de 10/22, 14/26 Maiu 1864;
Considerand imprejurarile cuprinse in proclamatiunea Nostra cu data de astadi;
Promulgamu ce urmeza:
etc. - 

Din gratia lui Dumnedeu si prin vointa notionala Domn al Romanilor;
La toti de facia si viitori sanetate:
Adunarea generala a Rominii a adoptat in unanimitate si Noi sanctionam ce urmeaza:


Despre teritoriul roman

Art. 1.
Principatele-Unite-Romane constitue un singur Stat indivisibil, sub denumire de Romania.

etc. - 



Art. 1.
Regatul Romaniei este un Stat national unitar si indivizibil.

etc. - 

Republica Populara Romana

Art. 1. - Republica Populara Romana este un Stat popular, unitar, independent si suveran.

etc. - 


In temeiul articolelor 38 si 104 din Constitutia Republicii Populare Romane, publicata in Monitorul Oficial Nr. 87 bis din 13 Aprilie 1948, Adopta urmatoare CONSTITUTIE a Republicii Populare Romane
Capitol introductiv

Republica Populara Romana este un stat al oamenilor muncii de la orase si sate.

etc. - 

Art. 1.
Romania este republica socialista. Republica Socialista Romania este stat al oamenilor muncii de la orase si sate, suveran, independent si unitar. Teritoriul sau este inalienabil si indivizibil.

etc. - 

Principii generale

Statul român    Articolul 1
(1) România este stat naţional, suveran şi independent, unitar şi indivizibil.
(2) Forma de guvernamânt a statului este republica.
(3) România este stat de drept, democratic şi social, în care demnitatea omului, drepturile şi libertăţile cetăţenilor, libera dezvoltare a personalităţii umane, dreptatea şi pluralismul politic reprezintă valori supreme şi sunt garantate.

etc. - 

Principii generale

Statul român    ARTICOLUL 1
(1) România este stat naţional, suveran şi independent, unitar şi indivizibil.
(2) Forma de guvernământ a statului român este republica.

(3) România este stat de drept, democratic şi social, în care demnitatea omului, drepturile şi libertăţile cetăţenilor, libera dezvoltare a personalităţii umane, dreptatea şi pluralismul politic reprezintă valori supreme, în spiritul tradiţiilor democratice ale poporului român şi idealurilor Revoluţiei din decembrie 1989, şi sunt garantate.

(4) Statul se organizează potrivit principiului separaţiei şi echilibrului puterilor - legislativă, executivă şi judecătorească - în cadrul democraţiei constituţionale.

(5) În România, respectarea Constituţiei, a supremaţiei sale şi a legilor este obligatorie.

etc. - 

Mult mai greu de găsit textul documentelor din provinciile istorice ce s-au unit cu România.

În numele poporului Basarabiei, Sfatul Ţării declară: Republica Democratică Moldovenească (Basarabia) în hotarele ei dintre Prut, Nistru, Dunăre, Marea Neagră şi vechile graniţe cu Austria, ruptă de Rusia acum o sută şi mai bine de ani, din trupul vechii Moldove. În puterea dreptului istoric şi dreptului de neam, pe baza principiului ca noroadele singure să-şi hotărască soarta lor de azi înainte şi pentru totdeauna se uneşte cu mama ei România.
Trăiască unirea Basarabiei cu România de-a pururi şi totdeauna

I. Adunarea Naţională a tuturor Românilor din Transilvania, Banat şi Ţara Ungurească, adunaţi prin reprezentanţii lor îndreptăţiţi la Alba-Iulia în ziua de 18 Noiembrie/1 Decembrie 1918, decretează unirea acelor români şi a tuturor teritoriilor locuite de dânşii cu România. Adunarea Naţională proclamă îndeosebi dreptul inalienabil al naţiunii române la întreg Banatul cuprins între râurile Mureş, Tisa şi Dunăre.
II. Adunarea Naţională rezervă teritoriilor sus indicate autonomie provizorie până la întrunirea Constituantei aleasă pe baza votului universal.
III. În legătură cu aceasta, ca principii fundamentale la alcătuirea noului Stat Român, Adunarea Naţională proclamă următoarele:

Deplină libertate naţională pentru toate popoarele conlocuitoare. Fiecare popor se va instrui, administra şi judeca în limba sa proprie prin indivizi din sânul său şi fiecare popor va primi drept de reprezentare în corpurile legiuitoare şi la guvernarea ţării în proporţie cu numărul indivizilor ce-l alcătuiesc.
Egală îndreptăţire şi deplină libertate autonomă confesională pentru toate confesiunile din Stat.
Înfăptuirea desăvârşită a unui regim curat democratic pe toate tărâmurile vieţii publice. Votul obştesc, direct, egal, secret, pe comune, în mod proporţional, pentru ambele sexe, în vârstă de 21 de ani la reprezentarea în comune, judeţe ori parlament.
Desăvârşită libertate de presă, asociere şi întrunire, libera propagandă a tuturor gândurilor omeneşti.
Reforma agrară radicală. Se va face conscrierea tuturor proprietăţilor, în special a proprietăţilor mari. În baza acestei conscrieri, desfiinţând fidei-comisele şi în temeiul dreptului de a micşora după trebuinţă latifundiile, i se va face posibil ţăranului să-şi creeze o proprietate (arător, păşune, pădure) cel puţin atât cât o să poată munci el şi familia lui. Principiul conducător al acestei politici agrare e pe de o parte promovarea nivelării sociale, pe de altă parte, potenţarea producţiunii.
Muncitorimei industriale i se asigură aceleaşi drepturi şi avantagii, care sunt legiferate în cele mai avansate state industriale din Apus.

Congresul General al Bucovinei întrunit azi, joi în 15/28 noiembrie 1918 în sala sinodală din Cernăuţi, consideră că: de la fundarea Principatelor Române, Bucovina, care cuprinde vechile ţinuturi ale Sucevei şi Cernăuţilor, a făcut pururea parte din Moldova, care în jurul ei s-a închegat ca stat; că în cuprinsul hotarel acestei ţări se găseşte vechiul scaun de domnie de la Suceava, gropniţele domneşti de la Rădăuţi, Putna şi Suceviţa, precum şi multe alte urme şi amintiri scumpe din trecutul Moldovei; că fii acestei tări, umăr la umăr cu fratii lor din Moldova şi sub conducerea aceloraşi domnitori au apărat de-a lungul secolelor fiinţa neamului lor împotriva tuturor încălcărilor din afară şi a cotropirei păgâne; că în 1774 prin vicleşug Bucovina a fost smulsă din trupul Moldovei şi cu de-a sila alipită coroanei habsburgilor; că 144 de ani poporul bucovinean a îndurat suferintele unei acârmuiri străine, care îi nesocotea drepturile naţionale şi care prin strâmbătăţi şi persecuţii căuta să-şi înstrăineze firea şi să-l învrăjbească cu celelalte neamuri cu cari el voieşte să trăiască ca frate; că în scurgerea de 144 de ani bucovinenii au luptat ca nişte mucenici pe toate cămpurile de bătaie din Europa sub steag străin pentru menţinerea, slava şi mărirea asupritorilor lor şi că ei drept răsplată aveau să îndure micşorarea drepturilor moştenite, isgonirea limbei lor din viata publică, din şcoală şi chiar din biserică; că în acelaşi timp poporul băştinaş a fost împiedicat sistematic de a se folosi de bogăţiile şi izvoarele de câştig ale acestei ţări, şi despoiat în mare parte de vechea sa moştenire; dară că cu toate acestea bucovinenii n-au pierdut nădejdea că ceasul mântuirii, aşteptat cu atâta dor şi suferintă va sosi, şi că moştenirea lor străbună, tăiată prin graniţe nelegiuite, se va reîntregi prin realipirea Bucovinei la Moldova lui Ştefan, şi că au nutrit vecinic credinţa că marele vis al neamului se va înfăptui prin unirea tuturor ţărilor române dintre Nistru şi Tisa într-un stat national unitar; constată că ceasul acesta mare a sunat!

sâmbătă, 22 februarie 2014


The disease which inflicts bureaucracy and what they usually die from is routine. – John Stuart Mill

To me is cold. Not very cold but, winter, you know.

Remember childhood ?

Do someone of you remember the first step ? The first sight of the light ?
Or the time when you first encounter a new sensation, a new taste, a new sound.

Do you remember the first kiss ? Or the first love ?

In life it is so. We react for the first time, but when the feeling or sensation tend to repeat we tend to freeze, to fell it less and less.

More or less, this help us go further, and, in the end, force us go further in a well known way.

Sure, it would be very hard for us to start it over every day, to rethink all the ideas in our minds, to reevaluate our relations, our feelings daily.
So, most of us tend to take, at one moment or another, the simple classical path that became our daily routine.

Besides that, we could always use the landscape world we could create. The wonderland we have and keep secret to others, showing only the bright side of it, like in the picture.
No one likes to talk very much about Richard Parker. Given attention, awake him.

So, day by day we change ourselves into something new, more abiding to daily routine and, in the end, we could call that loyalty or principles or, even loyalty to our principles.

But could this be some sort of inability to evolve ? Is this “The Wall” from our life ?

And then, if one chose to “break through”, what ? What to do after that ?
Richard Parker could be scary and angry but is already known. We know to deal with him, we know to feed him, and to avoid him.

But what if we face something new ? What if we have to reconsider everything ?

Alcohol is like love. The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off. – Raymond Chandler

Sure, one have to balance between new and ... loyalty, but, after all, each one of us must follow he’s path, to achieve he’s goals and to try, at least, the best for him.

Meri subhkamay tumhare saath hain !

A friend told me about that:
"What if the new path chosen is the least travelled path, through dark forests haunted by spirits and nay sayers. What if that path seems to lead you into an ever growing darkness which seems to close in around you, making the path seem wicked... the path to hell.
What if when you turn around and look backwards, there is someone standing at the entry with a flickering light looking condescendingly at you and asking you to return.What if, you instead, do the irrational... follow the only person you trust ... YOURSELF and go on deeper into the mist, armed only with YOUR own belief.

What if you stumble and die, would you not be happier knowing that you tried?

What if this path was a trial by fire and it finally led you to your goal?

And I answered:

"For a wise man - rushi (I like how it sound in telugu) the path to the objective (and for such a man there is only one objective, not related to friends, family or principles) some personal features are very important, in order to succed.
A strong will is the first. This could be achieved through tapas.
Knowledge, not only from books, but from observing all the time the surrounding reality, himself and all the other creatures.
Faith, meaning not blind submission, but a more elevated feeling, of asking and getting support, of sharing something with someone else, until the "I" will disolve.

Now, all these require courage and the ultimate test of courage is to let go that feeling of identity, of "I".

Why I say all this ?
Because doing so, the wise man tamed the Richard Parker (or the intellect form inside - the budhi hw sanskrit name it) and have no more fear to walk ... "into the valley of death" (nor a dark forest).
Because doing that, one change he's status from subject to master, and could master all the world. In fact, he do nothing but to reestablish his natural position, he's natural powers.

So, yes, following this path will transform you into a God (deva) and your deeds will have no more a color (nor good nor bad).
Eventually, this is beyond morality, ethics and what so ever concern the social rules."

Ava lok Ishwara

Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness. – Anne Frank

I never liked the modern history, perhaps because it is so near to us, so near that it affect our fathers and grandfathers and, somehow, even ourselves.
Also, being so recent, she lack the mystery and glamour and all the wonderful scents of the true history.
But history is like the wheel of life, always in motion and never stopping, crushing everything in her path, disrespectful about souls and feelings.

For foreigners Ava in Sanskrit = down , lok in Sanskrit = is the verb to observe and Ishwara in Sanskrit = the name of the teacher of all the wise man’s, later considered a God (or the manifestation of a God) – according to Patanjali he is a special soul, not affected by birth, and nor by any other causes.

Anagha went to Kurukshetra, how Indra instructed him, and fought bravely for days. During this fight he reencounter Pushpak and even Gautama.
First he could not understand what could a rishi do on the battle field, but then, seeing all the Vimanas and the magic weapons that Devas used he began to understand that the might of a wise man could be even greater that that of one warrior, and not metaphorical but effectively.

In the end of the fight, the king of God’s was true to his word and when he got back to the shovel, he find Mrinmayee there.
And they could lived happily ever after but, the life and the world was changing.

At the beginning people began to disobey the laws of Manu, ignoring the order and, in the end, the God’s too.
Man’s began to demanding equal rights with God’s and that make the Gods to retreat in them mountains.

And then, the curse of Gods, for the disrespect for them, occur to humans.
Lakhs of strangers came to the country, and invaded the land.

Them morality was so poor, they claim they could do anything just for fun. And they did it.
People were astonished by the black magic of those strangers, who claim that those all are cows, and, of course, they wanted to be the farmers.

This make Anagha to retreat himself in the mountains, at Kailash.
And life was good there.

But one day, Kamadeva passing by and willing to make him a joke, because he was looking down in the valley during his meditation, the God shoot him with an arrow, with the hope this will awake him and make him, once again, part of the world and life.
Strangely, in the exactly moment when the arrow hit Anagha, a tiger went from the bushes near, and he saw that tiger, not the humans.

Then, calming down himself, he remembered the five virtues and acknowledged that humans nowadays don’t even remember all the stories of the past, and he decided to tell them, and to watch them.

Meri subhkamay tumhare saath hain !

The time of Nagas and Rajas

If you're going through hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill

Perhaps this will be a little scary but hey, this feeling is a drug we take daily. And, after all, how else could make a frog became a beautiful, courageous, strong and shining Prince ?

For foreigners Naga in Sanskrit = the King Cobra and Raja in Sanskrit = the King

Anagha was returning from the war for Vanavashika, where he fight alongside of the Gods against the Asuras that came beyond the ocean. So he see the mighty monkey’s army and them great leader, which was so strong that he could fight alone Lakhs of asuras.
On the long run back home he recall all the story that lead him to participate at this war.

It was in the evening he returned home, to the beloved Mrinmaye, when it occurs. He saw from the distance the smoke arising and run like a fool to see what happens.
At the time he arrived all have been done already and the body of Mrinmaye lying down with no breath.
He almost got crazy. He’s mind was darkened and the image of the hut on the bank of the river, the smell of the smoke and the image of he’s love dead always haunted him afterwards.

After burning her body, he went in the forest, wandering from here to there with no aim on he’s mind until a day, when he meet an old man.
The old saluted him but he was so lost with he’s nightmares that did not noticed him.

Then the old man came to him and hit him hard, with the truncheon, and that awake him from the tamasic dreams and forced him to look to the old man. It was Gautama, he’s former neighbor, the husband of Ahalya.
He recall himself and salute the sage one.

After this, things became blurry in he’s memory and he can not recall what happen next.
Only when he arrived in the courtyard of Taksasila seems that he’s memory return to him.

And how beautiful was to live in the University, with teachers and students around him, plenty of books to read and all those exercises they do daily.
It was a good time for him and seems that all the wrong and bad is away, seems that gods are again smiling to him and life could became, once again, beautiful.

The kingdom of Gandhara was ruled then by Ambhi, a persian client named to rule it, but Taksasila was flourishing and proud of her 2.000 years history.
Everything was good in the University, and he enjoy every day there, and share all those with he’s new friend, Kautilya. They were like brothers now, sharing everything.

So, after the study of Vedas and the eighteens arts Anagha became more an more attracted by the ancient wisdom and the practice of a virtuous life.
So, he dedicate he’s penance to them master, Narayana and to he’s beautiful wife, Vidya.
He’s brother Kautilya did the same for the master Dhanvantari.

That for he began to meditate, under the water of Indus, and dedicate this to the worshiped family of he’s master.

One day, seeing he’s great penances, the great Narayana talked to him and ask him what boon could he gave him for the effort he made.
Anagha answered that he just want he’s life in the hut, with Mrinmaye back.
This answer troubled the great teacher and he went away thoughtfull.

Few days later, the great master Narayana came to him and told him he must go in south, to cross the Vindhya mountains and find the nest of the great golden eagle, tame the great bird and with them, to go further south to the great Dandaka forest. Once there, he was to join the army of the Deva’s, lead by Indra.
He was to join them in the war and then return to the hut, on the Drisatvati bank, where to eventually find Mrinmaye.

What a joy brought to he’s harth this promised boon from the great master, he could not tell. Words are not enough that for. He prepared all that he needs and on the next day morning he went south.

The golden eagle was a very wise bird, and Anagha learn allot from her, especially regarding the rules of this world, till the day when Kalki will ride the world. So, he named the great golden bird, Pushpak, and together went further, to meet the god’s army.

Indra already waited them, knowing they are to came, and began the preparation for the great fight with the demons from south of Lanka.
It was there Anagha first meet the mighty army of monkeys and them glorious leader.

The fight was glorious and he, with the help of Pushpak were in the middle of fight for many days, fighting like tigers and killing many enemies.
Then, after the fight, the gathering with all those new friends and comrades of arms he made there, was a moment to remember.
And after that, the way back home, with the hope to see again Mrinmaye and the hut, to restart them life.
Pushpack lead the way back, until the Vindhya mountain, then he parted on he’s way, wit the promise to seek each other, to revisit once.

So, he returned to Trigarta, crossing the Kamyaka forest when he noticed a bull. So many times after that he cursed that moment and believed he better walk away to he’s hut.
Still, he followed that bull, because he’s presence there was strange.

So, behind a bush, he witnesed how the bull went to meet Ahalya, the prettiest wife of Gautama and how they love each other.
Acknowledging what he saw, he quietly departed from there and returned to he’s way back home, but in the way appeared Gautama, the maharishi that saved he’s life, and he asked Anagha if he did not see he’s wife.
Because of he’s pure mind and body he could not lie, and told to the old wise man what he saw.

Then, the old man commanded that bull to came in he’s presence, there, in he’s true nature.
In front of them appeared Indra himself.
Gautama cursed the king of gods and this enraged very much the mighty god, who immediately understand why and how Gautama got the knowledge of he’s deeds.

So, Indra also cursed Anagha to not receive he’s boon until he will not fulfill the task that he, Indra, will give him.

He was desperate, so near to the dream of he’s life and now, another test to pas. Seems he’s dream have gone, again, so far.

He asked instructions from Indra of what task is he expected to do, in order to escape the curse and, Indra answered:
- You should go back in north, in the land of Kuru, at Indraprashta, and wait there for my call.

So, Anagha waited for a time in Kuru land for the sign of Indra and when this came, he was ready to do anything to escape the curse.
When Indra appeared to him, he only say’s : Go to Kurukshetra and join them there.

It was a glorious battle.

Meri subhkamay tumhare saath hain !

The Immortals of DaKsha

The opposite of love is not hate, its apathy, when u simply don't bother about that person! – Amish Tripathi
This is not about love, but about will to exist and forge an Nation with a might and strong Country.
Even so, love for others is a great part of this endeavor.

For foreigners DaKsha in Sanskrit = the Country of God’s

The story began in the ancient Trigarta (women or pearl), on the banks of Drisatvati river and having the “little” Kamyaka forest as a shield of the land, from south.

Anagha the innocent was wandering on the forest, aiming to hunt a deer, taking small steps, listening to all the sounds around him, noticing all the colors and smells, counting all the leaf’s from the trees.
He’s mind was one with the bow and arrow, aiming always for the target he had in mind. No failure ever succeed to him before, because he’s mind is clear, like the water from a spring font.

Then, soundless, a presence became more and more sensible. He’s soul feel it like an old acquaintance, someone unexpected and covered in shadows.

- Namaste, oh great One ! Anagha said.
- Shh ! May the God’s bless you, oh pure Anagha. Say the great one.
- What bring you here, mighty Naga ? asked Anagha.
- Oh, you favorite of the God’s, a big trouble is in the world of Devas and Asuras. And only you could be of any help. Answered the mighty Naga.
- How is that ? How could I help where Deva’s and Asura’s are in trouble, o great one ?
- You should travel to the Kailasa mountain, and find the man’s of Kimpurusha. Only that sort of mongrel people will save the humans from this land, till the time when Deva’s will finally defeat the Asuras and restore the order for the Bharat people.
Saying this, he tilted he’s head and quietly disappeared in the woods.

Then a nice spotted deer appeared in the sight of Anagha and he, without a word, aimed and shouted him down with he’s arrow.

When Anagha arrived at home, Mrinmaye waited him already, in the house door, with the water to wash him feet’s.

- Welcome, my Lord ! she said.
- Oh dear Mrinmaye ! Oh, my bellowed one, my sun and my daylight. He answered her welcoming.
- You bring such a nice deer. I will prepare him for you.
- My dear, I have meet, in the forest, the great Naga. And he told me I have to go in the north, to meet the people of Kimpurusha.
- You went early in the morning to hunting, but I also had dreamed about this.
It was a perfect peak, looking the same from all the parts. He was higher than the sky itself and a great light was upon it. Then it was a great snake, surrounding that mountain and Deva’s and Asura’s was churning the great mountain with this snake. So the snake died, but from he’s body plenty of others small snakes emerged, and went in the land.
From all those little snakes, one grew bigger and bigger, swallowing everything, even he’s brothers.
So, he grew up so huge that he was of the size of the mountain.
All people from earth where scared and run away from that snake. Other gave him sacrifices and began to worship him as the mightiest God. So, everything for humans became to be counted in gold, for this was the best loved sacrifice for the Snake.

Then, from the heights of the sky, a golden eagle came, and he cried out so strong that all humans knows he came. And the world trembled so strong from this cry that waters have invaded the earth and all creatures knows that a savior has arrived.

- Then I wake up from the sleep, and noticed you have already gone, so I have dreaded for you all the day, knowing something will happen.
- Oh, my dear, I think I must see the great Rishi, before doing this trip. Perhaps he’s wisdom will guide me through this or will gave me guidance.
- I talked last week with Ahalya, he’s wife, and she told me he will go in the forest for penance until the next year.
- Then I have to do it myself, without he’s advice. I will prepare Nandi for leaving tomorrow morning.

And so, Anagha went into the north lands, with the hope to discover there the salvation from the curse that was to happen in the land.

People of Kimpurusha where tall and strong, like any people from mountains. They also don’t speak much and act very direct.
Them jokes where incomprehensible for Anagha, because he was yet pure in mind and soul.
Them women’s don’t attract him too, because in he’s mind was always Mrinmaye.

Still, something strange happen to Anagha, during this experience with Kimpurushan’s, because he began to be attracted by them greatness of gesture, them nice looking clothes and jewelries and, especially by them glorious stories regarding wars and fights.

At the beginning was not the case of wealth loving, but this mirage of great palaces, golden plates and ... theaters.
All those where so different from the hut he lives with Mrinmaye.

So, he lead them back to Trigarta, with the true hope in he’s heart that them might will save the land, and all those living there.

Meri subhkamay tumhare saath hain !